π€Tutorial (Warm Up)
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This is warmup level before proceed to real challenge. It appear to have 12 challenge. In daily life, before we start doing something or exercise, warmup is needed to loose some muscle and to make body prepare for the exercise. Same goes for this challenge. Let start...
This challenge quite straight forward. You can find the answer in description.
Base 64 is group of binary-to-text encoding scheme that represent binary data (8-bit) in sequence of 24 bit that can represent by four(4) 6-bit base64 digit.
In this challenge it given already base64. Now convert into text.
Use cyberchef. From base64 > bake > output
command line. echo "putexthere" | base64 -d
-- (-d for decode || -e for encode)
For this challenge, I use my phone to scan the QR. ( hihihi ). But other method I found when searching around using .
sudo apt-get install zbar-tools
zbarimg <filename>
Net cat is network program that read and write data across both TCP and UDP connection using the IP protocol suite
For this challenge netcat to the port given.
nc <hostname><port>
The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network.Its most notable applications are remote login and command-line execution.
For this challenge connect to ssh with the credential given.
ssh name@hostname -p (port)
port : by default will 22 if other than 22 need to specify it
This challenge request us to find password in order to get flag. Given along the file program.
Since the file in c, follow this step to start running the program.
After running the program, it request us to input password. Based on file program above, the input will store in password and then being compared with P@ssw0rd1337. If the password correct it will welcome with the flag. If its wrong it will say login failed.
The flag also represent the password itself.
Just unzip the file given.
Open the link given.
Remember to check source code.