Basic RE
Reverse Engineer
What is RE
Reverse engineering mean to take some product, program or any executable application and break it down in order to understand how it was produced.
To understand how application or software work without having it code.
Deconstruct design into information. To determine how it work in part or to fix certain thing in code or to exploit any possibility of program or software.
Why RE
Sometime program or software might have problem /bug on it. There is why reverse engineering is needed to analyze it statically.
RE is challenging
We need to admit that reverse engineering not easy. This is because,
It might be obfuscated
It might be packed
It might be huge/messy
X86 Overview
Assembly Languange
Assembly language is low level language.
Human writing in high level language (C,Java,etc) and the machine need to convert it into low level language since it only understand that.
Compilation & Disassembly
The program written in any high-level language (assume C)
The code then compiled into machine code. A series of bytes that CPU understand
Since researcher didnβt have source code, it only can read bytes of machine code.
Therefore, disassembler needed to translate those bytes into easier readable textual
As a program running, the loop is executed
CPU instruction is read from the main memory by CU
The instruction then processes and execute by ALU along with user input or registers.
Operation output is stored in CPU register or sent to an output device.
The instruction will look like
Assembly instruction = mnemonic +
optional operand
Mov eax,
~ B8 FF 00 00 00
Operand can be either
Immediate value (example
)Register (
)Memory address (
Opcode: The byte corresponding to the instruction and it operands.
Basic Popular Instructions.
Data Storage
Move data from one operand into another
Mov eax, 0x8
Loads the address of operands into another
Lea edx, [eax-1]
Add one operand with another and store the result in register
Add eax, 0x8
subtract one operand with another and store the result in register
sub eax, 0x8
increase one operand with another and store the result in register
decrease one operand with another and store the result in register
multiply one operand with another and store the result in register
mul eax, 0x8
Divide one operand with another and store the result in register
div eax, 0x8
Logical (either one true)
Or eax,ebx
Logical (both true)
And eax,ebx
Logical (either one true return false) (applying twice will return original)
Xor eax,ebx
Logical (Shift right)
Logical (shift left)
Part of memory access in CPU where it pointing location in memory.
Flag register contain lots of information of CPU.
Stack refers to current user data.
X = register, P = pointer, I = index.
EIP =Join pointer. Point to next instruction.
Register Breakdown
EFLAGS Register
Give information on the result of previous computation. It only contain status of register
Zero Flag β set if operation result is result (null)
Carry Flag β set if operation result to large/small for destination operand
Sign Flag β set if MSB is set(negative result)
Overflow Flag β set if value more than it can hold. (0xFFFFFFFF + 1) (result will 0 but the overflow flag will be sent)
Branching (Control Flow)
Basically there have two (2) type of jump
It will jump directly to any address.
First, it will check result of computation/input
It will follow the condition (if else) to jump for next address.
Lot of type for conditional jump. It often referred to jcc (jump condition). Each jump instruction performs different EFLAG register to determine the jump should be performing or not.
NOP β null/no operation
PUSH/POP β move/remove either word/dword/qword or register (!EIP) onto stack
Every βnβ mean not
Jz/jnz β jump to location
Je/jne β common use after instruction (cmp). Jump to destination when condition meets. (Jump equal / jump not equal)
Jg/jge - common use after instruction (cmp). Jump to destination when condition meets. (Jump greater / jump greater or equal)
Ja/jae β same as jg/jge. But if perform without unassigned comparison.
Jl/jle β same as jg/jge. But this time for less.
Jb/jbe β same as jl/jle. But it perform without unassigned comparison.
Jo β jump if previous instruction are overflow flag.
Js - jump if previous instruction are sign flag.
Jecxz β jump to location if ECX = 0. (end of loop)
Main Memory
Data- static/global variable
Code β instruction
Heap β dynamic memory, allocated and freed during runtime
Stack β variable and argument local to program function.
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